Chip Howard for AZ Governor Campaign Committee
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I am an innovator, inventor and manufacturer in a competitive environment that brings revenue and trickle-down jobs to Arizona from around the country and overseas. On a grand scale, this is what Arizona’s citizens need. Have no doubt, I am an anti-establishment conservative.
With pride, I am America first, Arizona first and middle-America first! Pardon the expression but no more B.S, just results.”
With pride, I am America first, Arizona first and middle-America first! Pardon the expression but no more B.S, just results.”

“The Birthplace of Democracy”
–Chip Howard
Following school, I moved to Phoenix in 1986 where my first job was a seven-year taste of the corporate world with the Del Webb Corporation where I managed a large staff. For better or worse, the corporate world is an excellent training ground for both teamwork and the brutality of the competitive business world.

Since 1993, I have operated my own small business here in Arizona offering services and products to a variety of markets. I am a contract researcher for agricultural companies that market products which I have innovated. I do site consultations throughout the country and with some entry into eastern Europe. I am an inventor and manufacturer of mechanical equipment which is made here in Arizona and sold throughout North America and even overseas. I provide trickle-down jobs for many local businesses and bring revenue into the state from elsewhere. The bottom line is that it isn’t just talk, I have to be better than my competitors and produce superior results for my clients as a matter of my survival. That is innovative thinking which will move Arizona ahead in the competitive world and bring jobs to our citizens. Just doing more of the same will give us more of the dismal same.
A culture of financial responsibility is ingrained in my personality. Even when I had nothing, I have never carried a credit card balance or borrowed money for a car. Instead, I did without until I was financially able. I paid off my thirty-year mortgage in about ten. In business, the strength is my reputation for producing world-class product but at low cost. I am known for orchestrating well-oiled endeavors that motivate and bring out the best of all team contributors. As I do in my personal and business lives, I will bring small and efficient, yet effective, government to Arizona as it was originally intended to be. It is results that count!