Chip Howard for AZ Governor Campaign Committee
Since Arizona became a state in 1912, the power that guided the State has been concentrated in a few hands. Historically, that power has resided with the beneficiaries of the growth industry (growth being uniquely defined in Arizona as adding people, not adding economic power). Consequently, the focus of the Arizona economy has been primarily adding more people.
Except for a few large special interests, the jobs generated by growth are comparatively low-paying. It creates a quantity of jobs, but not quality jobs.
Growth is subject to cycles of feast and famine which lay havoc on the financial stability of the State and it’s individual citizens.
Logically, we all know that growth can not continue to infinity, thus, at some point the party ends.
At some point of growth, size diminishes the quality of life that caused us to be here in the first place.
Water Is The Lifeblood Of The West
This candidate has a long history of working with matters of water resources and participated in the formulation of the current Department of Water Resources Management Plan as well as the DWR Water Supply and Demand Working Group and the Joint Legislative Study Committee on Water Salinity Issues. It is a fact that we currently do not have a problem of inadequate water quantity in this state, although one of water quality is developing. That said, the current drought challenges that statement.